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Pandemic Wall

Cyanotype Photograms on Salvaged Amazon Boxes, 2021

This piece is a thoughtful response to the pandemic, our experiences, and the environment. Upcycled shipping boxes were selected as a substrate for cyanotype photographs of objects telling a relatable story of our experience within the pandemic through photograms of objects we most often used during lockdow. This is an observation of the "Amazonification,"  E-commerce while at times the disposable nature of the items we have come to rely on and an intent to reduce the excess waste by upcycling the delivery wastes. These items also reflect on how we've become more self-reliant. creative problem solvers, enjoyed the outdoors more and found or rediscovered ways to connect with our communities.


This is an assemblage of prints made with and inspired by a STEAM artist residency working with  S2 students from James Gillespie's  High during  Sept 2020 through June of 2021. TO see work made during this residency exploring soil health and photochemistry through art click here.


Supported by The Finnish Institute,  Edinburgh City Council, and OULU2026

All Works and Content © Brittonie Fletcher 2023 unless otherwise noted

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